Sabtu, 26 November 2011


Organisasi Pergerakan Nasional

1.          THE EARLY MOVEMENT/ Awal pergerakan
a. Boedi Oetomo (BU) in 1908
b. Sarekat Dagang Islam (SDI) in 1911      -----  >    Sarekat Islam(SI) in1912
c. Indische Partij (IP) in 1912

            2.           RADICAL PERIOD/ Masa Radikal
a.Perhimpunan Indonesia (PI) in 1924
b.Partai Nasional Indonesia (PNI ) in 1927
- Partai Indonesia (PARTINDO) in 1931
- Pendidikan National Indonesia (PNI baru) in 1931
c.Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI) in 1920

3.      MODERATE PERIOD/ Masa Moderat
a.         Partai Indonesia Raya (PARINDRA) in 1935
b.         Gerakan Rakyat Indonesia (GERINDO) in 1937
c.          Gabungan Politik Indonesia(GAPI) in 1939

4.         THE LOCAL ORGANIZATION/ Organisasi Kedaerahan
a.         Tri Koro Dharmo  ------ >  Jong Java in 1915
b.        Jong Celebes, Jong Ambon, Jong Sumatranen Bond, Jong Minahasa etc.

5.         THE RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION/ Organisasi Keagamaan
a. Muhammadiyah in 1912
b. Nahdatul Ulama in 1926
c.  Pergerakan Tarbiyah Islamiah (PERTI) in 1928
d.  Majelis Islam A’la Indonesia (MIAI) in 1937

6.         THE WOMEN ORGANIZATION/ Organisasi Wanita
The Indonesian women emancipation rose up  since R.A Kartini made the letters  entitled “Door     Duisternis tot  Licht” in Indonesia "Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang”
a. Putri Mardika (1912) à Boedi Oetomo
b.     Kaoetaman Istri (1904), led by R. Dewi Sartika
c.      Kartini Fonds( Dana Kartini), Led by C. Th. Van Deventer
d.     Kerajinan Amal Setia (KAS/1914), led by  Rohana Kudus
e.     Aisiyah (22-April-1917) à Muhammadiyah

The Youth Congress/ Soempah Pemoeda
a.       The First and Second Youth Congress
All of the organization above shared to establish PPPI (Perhimpunan Pelajar- Pelajar Indonesia). PPPI became the initiator of the Youth Congress I and II.
The First Youth Congress
-  April 30 – May 2, 1926 in Batavia.
-  the Chairman was Moh. Tabrani
- The conclusion :
1. Forming central body
2. promoting national unity outlook
3. promoting closer relationship among all national youth assosiation .
b. The Second Youth Congres
- October 28, 1928
- the Chairman was Mr. Soegondo Jojopuspito
-The  conclusions
1. to ad here to the principles of the “Youth Oath”,
2. to accept W. Supratman’s “Indonesia Raya” as  the National  anthem,
3. to accept the red and white flag as Indonesian national colours,
                     4. all the different youth organizations would become part of the new organization “Indonesia Muda”or               “Young Indonesia”

The Women Congress/ Kongres Wanita
a.First Women Congress
-  August 22,1928 in Yogyakarta
-  The  chairman was Mrs. Soekanto
b. Second Women Congress
-  July 20-24,1935 in Jakarta
- The Chairman was Mrs.Sri Mangunsarkor0

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