Selasa, 01 November 2011

The Coming Process of The Colonialism and Imperialism into Indonesia

The Coming Process of The Colonialism
and Imperialism into Indonesia

A. The Crusade(1096-1291)

1.    The Concept
This  war happened between Turkey and European (The european war used ‘a cross’ as the symbol of  their armours.

2.    The Cause
Yerusalem city closed by Turkey

3.    The Leaders
The European are Godfried Bouillon, Pope Urbanus II, Richard Lionheart.
The Turkey are Sultan Salahudin Al Ayyubi, etc.

4.    The End of the War 
The winner is Turkey or Moslem.

5.    The Result
Constantinopel city fell to Turkey`s hand and European traders were prohibited to trade in that city.

B. The Ocean Exploration

1.    The Background and the Aim
a.     Constantinopel fell to Ottoman Turkey in 1453
b.    Finding spices or finding wealth (Gold), expanding the colonialism (Glory), informing Christian religion (Gospel)
c.     The development of tehnology science
d.    Trying to prove that the world is round
e.     Trying to prove the Marcopolo’s book entitled ‘Imago Mundi’.

2. The Pioneer of Ocean exploration
a.    Spanish
-         Columbus, in 1492  discovered Bahama archipelago (Karibia)
-         Magelhaen, in 1519, discovered Massavas archipelago or Phillipine
-         Cortez, in 1519, discovered Mexico.
-         Pizzaro, in 1532, discovered Peru.

b.    Portuquese
1.  Bartholomeus Diaz, in 1486,  discovered South of Africa ( Cape of Good Hope )
2.  Vasco da Gama in 1498 discovered Calcuta, India.
3.  Alfonso d’albuquerque in 1511 discovered Malaka strait.
4.    De’abreu in 1521discovered Mollucas.

c.  England
1.    James Lancaster in 1591 discovered Acheh.
2.    Meddleton in 1604 arrived at Tidore, Ambon and Banda.
3.    Lord Minto discovered Batavia.

d.    Dutch
1.  Cornelis de Houtman in 1596 dicovered Banten, West java.
2.  Jacob Van Neck in 1598 arrived at Banten, West Java.


Dutch trader association having the privilege (Octrooi right)
a.    The right of the trade monopoly
b.    The right to have soldiers and build the fort
c.     The right to make agreement with the local ruler or king
d.    The right to have its own currency
e.     The right to rule certains regions

1. The VOC’s policies :
a.    the trade monopoly
b.    the Hongi voyage
c.     Contingenten tax
d.    Verplichte Leverantie
e.     Prianger Stelsel
2. VOC was dismissed on December 31, 1799, because:
a     Financial difficulty
1)   The VOC’s officials corrupted
2)   Pay the official’s salary
3)   War costs
4)   Build the fort
b.  Defeated by EIC in trade competition
c.  Many soldiers died.
d.  The VOC’s colonies was lack of control. In result, the rebellion arose.

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